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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

you were born to be original

Theres a verse in the bible that says "Before  i formed you in the womb i knew you" God is very clear that he made us and that he knew us even then.He made us  with a  specific plan in mind.
Sometimes its hard to think that when we feel diffirent.Sometimes we just wish we could look like everyone else,but think how boring that would be if everyone looked the same .A bunch of copies when were supposed to be a bunch of originals.We honor God most when we learn to appreciate and grow in love for unique individual he made us to be.
         Its really silly to want to look like someone else .Imagine if other things around our house wanted to look different.What if your refrigerator wanted to look like your telephone.You couldnt really store that much food in it.How could you?what if your sofa wanted to switch places with your Tv set?Ouch...
         What if animals wanted to be different sizes and shape?What if your dog sat around all day saying "oh,if only i looked like a cat."Or if a mouse  spent its whole life wishing it had a long neck like a geraffe.
These comparisons seems crazy,but then  why do we compare ourselves to other people?whenever we do that,we always come up short!